FFPO: 17èmes Journées de l’Appareillage du Pied in Lille

After the success of Clermont-Ferrand in December 2021, the FFPO (La Fédération Française des Podo-Orthésistes) will be holding its conference on March 14/15,2024 in the Grand Palais in Lille. The main themes will be cerebral palsy and CMT equipment.
The lectures will cover the following subjects:
Technology watch and productivity gains in orthopaedic footwear ; Falls in the elderly, The podo-hamstring apparatus; The future of insole design, lasts, test shoes and last orthotics; Quantified gait analysis in children with cerebral palsy; Foot surgery in children with cerebral palsy; Molded shoes for children, Multiple disabilities; The role of made-to-measure foot orthoses in the care of children with cerebral pals; Parasport, Foot orthoses in sport; Wheelchair basketball; The main neuropathies; General presentation of foot deformity and consequences on the foot; CMT foot surgery; Results of a national survey on fitting CMT; Psychological aspects of CMT; Foot care; Plantar orthoses; Shoe orthotics for CMT; Inequality of length of the lower limb, from how many millimeters should we be concerned?; Multidisciplinary consultation, complementarity of devices; Discharge of diabetic foot wounds; Proprioceptive orthoses.
A gala dinner and casino will be held on Thursday. To take part, you can sign up when you register for the convention.
For more information please go to the congress website.