Pedorthists in France join forces

The “Fédération Française des Podo-Orthésistes” is the new French association which now represents pedorthists in France. In the past there were two associations representing the interests of the pedorthists in France: The “Union des Podo-Orthésistes de France (UPODEF)” and the “Chambre Syndicale Nationale des Podo-Orthésistes (CSNPO)”.

 Being somewhat competitors over the years, the members of both organisations decided to join forces to speak up more strongly in future on behalf of their political lobby and for the further development of their trade in France. Both associations held their general assemblies on May 30, 2016 and voted unanimously for the new joint association called „FFPO – Fédération Française des Podo-Orthésistes” [French Federation of Pedorthists].

Serege Mathis, current president of the IVO and former president of the UPODEF was elected president of the FFPO. The FFPO will continue the series of symposia which was started by the UPODEF. The next symposium will be in Nancy, France in March 2016.