23 February 2021 | Phedortics International | Medicine & Technology | Education

New issue of foot&shoe

The next issue of foot&shoe will be published on March 16, 2021 with topics and dates from the pedorthic industry.

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23 February 2021 | Events

Online-Congress: Connective Tissues in Sports Medicine

Due to the actual international COVID 19–situation and the current hygienic restrictions, CONNECT 2021 will be held as an Online-Congress. After two successful congresses at the University of Ulm, the third CONNECT congress will be hosted by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) on  March 26-27, 2021.

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23 February 2021 | Events

PAC Virtual Symposium: A Balanced and Pragmatic Approach to Pedorthics

This year, the symposium of the Pedorthic Association of Canada will be entirely digital. On April 16, 2021, the Symposium will welcome a curated program of expert speakers including keynote speaker Tom Michaud, DC. All presentations will reference the symposium's theme: A Balanced and Pragmatic Approach to Pedorthics.

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15 September 2020 | Phedortics International | Tools&Machines

Efficient workshops

What equipment do I need for my workshop, how can I best organize workflows and what do I need to consider when working with external service providers? These questions are dealt with in the current issue of foot&shoe.

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