New foot&shoe published

The new issue of foot&shoe reports on the latest developments in the industry and includes articles on the provision of sensorimotor insoles and new studies on diabetic foot syndrome. It can be downloaded free of charge from the foot&shoe website.
The new foot&shoe focuses on interdisciplinary cooperation. Stefan Woltring and Ullrich Thiel describe how physiotherapy and pedorthics can work together to find solutions to help patients with spasticity or ataxia to achieve a better and more physiological gait pattern.
The treatment of diabetic foot syndrome has long been a domain of interdisciplinary cooperation. Fortunately, this is also increasingly the subject of scientific research. For example, the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) has adapted its recommendations on the effectiveness of relief measures for diabetic foot ulcers on the basis of recent scientific studies (page 18). Current studies on Charcot foot focus not only on medical issues relating to the treatment or classification of Charcot foot, but also on the psychological aspects of patients. One study concludes that the physical, social and emotional effects on patients and their families are considerable and long-lasting. This confirms what many have often experienced in practice: Without considering the patient's perspective, you will not be able to make them an active partner in interdisciplinary collaboration.
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