Panel discussion on 3D printing

3D printing was strongly represented at the 7th ORTHOPÄDIE SCHUH TECHNIK. This was also reflected in the forum‘s specialist program, where numerous suppliers presented their products and innovations. What 3D printing can already achieve in pedorthics today and what companies should consider before making an investment was also the topic of the panel discussion in the forum on the second day of the trade fair.
Once again this year, the forum in the exhibition hall was the meeting point for anyone who wanted to find out more about the latest innovations. The focus of the presentations this year was clearly on new technologies, especially 3D printing. Which technologies are suitable for what and what needs to be considered before making an investment was discussed in a panel discussion.
Under the direction of Frederic Großmann from KomZet-Orthopädieschuhtechnik, two pedorthists, Martin Jaeger and Lais Kriwat, and two manufacturers, Gregory Lenzen from Dreve and Volker Junior from Phoenix Innovation, discussed which tasks can already be mastered today with the various additive manufacturing technologies. It quickly became clear that it is not enough to simply buy a printer and believe that you can use it for everything. For example, the most commonly used technology, filament printing, is not very suitable for shoe lasts. Other techniques are better suited here, but they still have to prove themselves against classic wooden lasts.
Important: Selecting the suitable technology
Both the two pedorthists and the industry representatives advised thinking carefully in advance about the tasks for which 3D printing is to be used and then selecting the suitable technology. The introduction in the company should not be neglected. Only if it is possible to convince employees of the benefits of the new technology and allay their fears of losing their jobs will the technology be used.